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Can you really put silver cutlery in the dishwasher?

Cleaning silver in the dishwasher is no longer a problem. All Robbe & Berking silver and silver plated cutlery is dishwasher-safe. However, as silver is a natural material, there are a few guidelines that should be followed when it comes to putting cutlery in the dishwasher to take the best possible care of your silver.
Some modern dishwashing detergents are very highly concentrated and can contain aggressive chemicals. For best results, follow these tips when cleaning silver cutlery in the dishwasher:
  • For foods that are particularly high in protein or acid, rinse your cutlery (especially the knife blades) after use and before putting in the dishwasher.
  • Place the knives with the blade pointing downwards.
  • Use between a third and a half (maximum) of the recommended amount of detergent. Dishwasher detergent manufacturers recommend using far too much detergent, especially for new, modern appliances that only need 8-10 litres of water per wash cycle. Using too much detergent can lead to discolouration. Plus, salt that has not fully dissolved can remain as crystalline residues on knife blades.
  • Dishwasher tablets have a relatively high oxygen content, which is a contributing factor in staining (especially the "2 in 1" or "3 in 1" tablets). We recommend completely avoiding compact detergents (tablets and powder) and using conventional dishwasher detergents.
  • Use detergent, rinse aid and dishwasher salt from one the same manufacturer or product range, as they are designed to work in harmony with each other.
  • After rinsing, open the dishwasher door to allow steam to escape and prevent deposits caused by salty or acidic steam. To remove any crystalline residue from the dishwashing detergent, wipe the cutlery (especially the knife blades) dry with a soft cloth.
  • Should tarnishing still occur after cleaning the silver in the dishwasher, e.g. due to hard water, this can be easily and gently removed with a Robbe & Berking silver care product.
  • Cutlery with horn, mother-of-pearl or wood parts is not dishwasher-safe.

Following these suggestions will ensure you enjoy your Robbe & Berking silver cutlery for a very long time. Now it can easily be washed in the dishwasher it's perfect for everyday use. You can find more tips on cleaning and caring for your silver cutlery here.

  1. Spülen Sie bei besonders eiweiß- oder säurehaltigen Lebensmitteln Ihre Besteckteile (insbesondere auch die Messerklingen) nach dem Essen und vor dem Geschirrspülmaschinengang grob ab. 
  2. Sortieren Sie die Messer mit der Klinge nach unten zeigend ein. 
  3. Dosieren Sie 1/3 bis max. 50 % der angegebenen Spülmittelmenge, da die Geschirrspülmittelhersteller gerade für neue, moderne Geräte, die nur noch 8-10 l Wasser pro Spülgang benötigen, viel zu hohe Mengen angeben. Zu hohe Dosierungen können zu Verfärbungen führen. Ferner können Salze, die nicht mehr vollständig aufgelöst werden und somit als kristalline Rückstände auf den Klingen verbleiben. 
  4. Spülmitteltabs haben einen relativ hohen Sauerstoffanteil, der zur Fleckenbildung beiträgt (insbesondere die „2 in 1“ oder „3 in 1“ Tabs). Wir empfehlen komplett auf Kompaktspülmittel (Tabs und Pulver) zu verzichten und konventionelle Spülmaschinenreiniger zu nutzen.
  1. Verwenden Sie Spülmittel, Klarspüler und Regeneriersalz von einem Hersteller bzw. aus einer Produktserie, da diese optimal aufeinander abgestimmt sind. 
  2. Öffnen Sie nach dem Spülvorgang die Spülmaschinentür, um Dämpfe entweichen zu lassen und somit Beläge durch salz- und säurehaltige Feuchtigkeit zu vermeiden. Um kristalline Rückstände des Spülmittels zu entfernen, reiben Sie die Besteckteile (insbesondere auch die Messerklingen) mit einem weichen Tuch trocken. 
  3. Sollte es nach der Reinigung des Silbers in der Spülmaschine dennoch zu Anlauferscheinungen, z.B. durch den Härtegrad Ihres verwendeten Wassers kommen, können diese leicht und schonend mit einem Robbe & Berking Silberpflegemittel entfernt werden. 
  4. Bestecke mit Horn-, Perlmutt- und Holzanteil sind nicht spülmaschinengeeignet.

Cleaning silver in the dishwasher is no longer a problem. All Robbe & Berking silver and silver plated cutlery is dishwasher-safe. However, as silver is a natural material, there are a few guidelines that should be followed when it comes to putting cutlery in the dishwasher to take the best possible care of your silver.
Some modern dishwashing detergents are very highly concentrated and can contain aggressive chemicals. For best results, follow these tips when cleaning silver cutlery in the dishwasher:
  • For foods that are particularly high in protein or acid, rinse your cutlery (especially the knife blades) after use and before putting in the dishwasher.
  • Place the knives with the blade pointing downwards.
  • Use between a third and a half (maximum) of the recommended amount of detergent. Dishwasher detergent manufacturers recommend using far too much detergent, especially for new, modern appliances that only need 8-10 litres of water per wash cycle. Using too much detergent can lead to discolouration. Plus, salt that has not fully dissolved can remain as crystalline residues on knife blades.
  • Dishwasher tablets have a relatively high oxygen content, which is a contributing factor in staining (especially the "2 in 1" or "3 in 1" tablets). We recommend completely avoiding compact detergents (tablets and powder) and using conventional dishwasher detergents.
  • Use detergent, rinse aid and dishwasher salt from one the same manufacturer or product range, as they are designed to work in harmony with each other.
  • After rinsing, open the dishwasher door to allow steam to escape and prevent deposits caused by salty or acidic steam. To remove any crystalline residue from the dishwashing detergent, wipe the cutlery (especially the knife blades) dry with a soft cloth.
  • Should tarnishing still occur after cleaning the silver in the dishwasher, e.g. due to hard water, this can be easily and gently removed with a Robbe & Berking silver care product.
  • Cutlery with horn, mother-of-pearl or wood parts is not dishwasher-safe.

Following these suggestions will ensure you enjoy your Robbe & Berking silver cutlery for a very long time. Now it can easily be washed in the dishwasher it's perfect for everyday use. You can find more tips on cleaning and caring for your silver cutlery here.

Silberne und versilberte Bestecke

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Robbe & Berking

Robbe & Berking

The silver manufacturer Robbe & Berking was founded in 1874 and is still a pure family business today – now in its 5th generation.

Manu Factum – made by hand – is everything that bears the name of the company. The master silversmiths in the silver manufactory and the master boat builders in the Robbe & Berking yacht manufactory are responsible for the unrivalled quality worldwide. It is not the limited possibilities of rational large-scale production, but the hands of the master craftsmen and women alone that determine the form and quality of each piece of work.

This is how cutlery and tableware of timeless elegance and beauty are created, which never just follow passing fashions or trends, but are made to last for generations. As the market leader in silver cutlery, Robbe & Berking is a supplier to the world's finest businesses.